Monday Jul 03, 2023

The Cemetery Is Full Of Dreamers Bonus Episode

What Up Folks!!! As promised the bonus episode!!! Yo I named the episode what I named for a very specific reason. Just gonna have to check it to understand why... In this episode we talk about... 

  1. Navigating Social Situations 
  2. Find Hobbies You Enjoy Doing Alone
  3. Space To Be Your Authentic Self
  4. Breaking Gender Norms In A Relationship
  5. Setting Goals, Going After Them, Stopping Limitations

You can get and expect more bonus episodes/content like this if you subscribe to our Patreon!!! 5 bucks a month... That's less than what you spend on coffee!!! Spend that with us and you'll never disappointed... Well I shouldn't say never but we'll at least entertain you!!! You can cancel at anytime! As always we appreciate each and every single one of you that take the time to check us out. Remember to LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, and RATE! Follow Us on all our thangs!!! Bonus Episode will be available on the We Ain't Found Sh!t Patreon , so sign up and get some extra time with us!!! Until next... PEACE!!! 

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