Monday Jul 03, 2023

A Titanic Of An Episode

What Up Folks!!! We're back in the building!!! I know it's been a little while but I promise it was well worth the waiting!!! In this episode we talk about...

  1. OceanGate Expeditions Lost Submarine and The Titanic
  2. Selective, Delayed, Misplace Outrage
  3. Scary Movie Recommendations
  4. Californian/Liberal Blaming 
  5. The Zion Williamson Sage 

We also have a special treat for you! This weeks we're putting the bonus episode out for free!!! That's right free 99!!! You get a taste of what our Patreon Subscribers get every week! For 5 bucks you too could be getting it on the regular! So check out the EXTRA EPISODE as soon as this one is over!!! As always we appreciate each and every single one of you that take the time to check us out. Remember to LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, and RATE! Follow Us on all our thangs!!! Bonus Episode will be available on the We Ain't Found Sh!t Patreon , so sign up and get some extra time with us!!! Until next... PEACE!!! 

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